Monday, March 29, 2010

Hostess Trolley update! Ye Grymoire Support the Hurd 13/04/10 Red Lion Manningtree

Dear will no doubt be thrilled to hear that that most infamous of necromantic artifacts, The Hostess Trolley of Occult Significance will be making an appearance during our support slot with old friends The Hurd at the Red Lion Manningtree on 13/04/10! Who knows what delicious treats the chaps may distribute to the eager throng? Who can say what dire jiggery-pokery may ensue should the Trolley break loose from its moorings and, possessed as it is by unquiet spirits beyond human imagining, lurch, casters squeaking, into the crowd? For this is no ordinary Trolley - at night it squeals and rumbles through the darkling passages of the Grymoire Observatory, an eerie greenish luminescence casting a lambent glow over the dusty tapestries and uncomfortable chairs that line the gloomy, oak paneled walls. Mr Scott's collection of disturbing nick-nacks rattles and shakes as it trundles past; its inscrutable purpose unknown and doubtless unknowable. Imbued, apparently with a will of its own, it disappears for weeks at a time into the bowels of the Observatory; often emerging suddenly and terrifyingly from a spidery nook or long abandoned laboratory. Only last week, for instance, Mr Chives was startled half out of the meagre remnants of his tattered wits as the blessed thing, taking a corner near the library on two wheels, sent him blundering head first into Mr Scott, plastering the startled maestro with Victoria sponge and badly denting his organ. Make haste then to the aforementioned hostelry and witness first hand that unique combination of black magic and light refreshments that is The Curious World of the Grymoire!

Warning: May contain traces of nonsense.

1 comment:

johnAKAmark said...

that's 03/04/10 obviously